Saturday, January 19, 2008


we started lola on solids this past week. we started her on cereal and she got to sample some smashed avocado as well. she was able to swallow the cereal ok, but she has a short amount of patience with it before she just wants her bottle.

this week also marked the first illness, first round of calling the doctor in a panic, and first purchase of pedialyte. it was indeed a variation of the stomach flu. and nic and i both got it full force. later, so did our roomate. so it's been a pukey, poopy week for our little house.

i don't know if this is a good time to divulge this, but i might as well get it off my chest. i am obsessed with my child's boogers. this includes eye boogers as well as your standard nose boogers. also, i find myself tranfixed with stray eyelashes. especially those that have come loose but are sticking out the corner of her eye. i'm a picker. i pick at my baby. i also obsess over her earwax--because there is a LOT of earwax--and feel very accomplished when i'm able to get a 3 qtip ear cleaning in. is this weird? i suppose if i have to be asking, it likely is.

Friday, January 11, 2008

New Year, New Look, NEW BLOG!

Okay, I just wrote a big post and deleted it. Out of frustration with this website.

I had a pretty lengthy post about how crappy I'm feeling lately about a lot of junk, but that I found a website to make me feel a little better and that made me laugh out loud. I can't add the hyperlink because a) i'm too internet illiterate to figure out how to make it so one could just click on the link and b) Blogger's E-Z tool of just clicking and adding it to your blog isn't working for me.

So now I got lots on my mind, but I'm totally over the idea of posting it on here today.

Cut and paste this, though, for a good laugh. It really will be worth it.