Reasons to get excited:
-Started losing weight (for those of you who don't know, that is common just before you go into labor. There's less amniotic fluid in there and everything is shrinking up to get the baby out. It's the equivalent of the party host starting to clean up the party and turn the lights on. Means it's time to think about getting going)
-Have been told by both the chiropractor as well as midwifery nurse that they could tell the baby was "very low"
-Lots of dull achey contractions
Reasons I am getting increasingly crabby:
-Lots of dull achey contractions
-Generally BORED
-I hate going to bed/am happy when the alarm goes off in the morning because I HATE laying in bed
-Knew I'd be setting myself up for disappointment by starting checking progress 2 weeks ago. Have made no progress in the last week.
-Everyone--even people who aren't pregnant yet--will have their babies before me.
So the long and short of it is that everyone is unallowed to ask me: If I'm ready, When I'm going to pop, If it's hot enough for me, If I'm excited, If I'm nervous, If I'm counting down, and especially...When is it going to happen. If you speak with me about labor, pregnacy, and motherhood in general I will most likely scowl at you, quickly change the topic, or just mumble and look down at my shoes. You've been warned.
My midwife last week told me I need to take up a project. I got some fluffy books to read the other day (hey hey Candace Bushnell novels!), but I think I need something a little more involved than that. At the last art vs craft fair I bought a few of the Sublime Stitching patterns ( and haven't used them yet. I'm getting out of work a little early today and will hit up Michaels crafts for some embroidery thread and an embroidery hoop. I'm going to hole myself in my bedroom with air conditioning and cable tv for the rest of the afternoon and make roller derby-themed tea towels and onesies. I kind of want to learn some more involved crochet stitches or learn how to knit, but both of those require someone physically showing me.
Cousin Becky: If you're reading this within a day or two of me posting this entry, I highly reccomend you stop everything that you're doing, drive down to Milwaukee within the next few days and teach me how to knit.