Tuesday, August 21, 2007

1 cm

Not bad. I actually wasn't expecting any progress with dialation at all. I still think that I will have her before September 6th, but I know I'll get through this week no problem and be able to go to my last baby shower and class reunion on Saturday. It even looks like I may make it through most of my last week of work next week. I predict things are going to get dicey for me by the end of the week next week. I'm making steady, but not super fast progress.

My midwife suggested I take up a project these last weeks. Otherwise, I'll go crazy apparently. She, like most people, seemed surprised that we are all ready. Baby's room is done, etc. I think I'm over any sort of magic or touchy-feely discussion of baby feelings. Not only to I inwardly shudder with annoyance when people ask me with a gleam in their eye, "OH BOY! AREN'T YOU GETTING EXCITED?!?!?!?!", but I'm still not feeling that glowy earth mother feeling that apparently everyone is excited for me to feel. I just want to not be pregnant anymore. And I miss my old clothes. That's really about as magic as I'm getting.

I also just learned that we are having a one day complete power outage at work next Tuesday while they do something with a transformer or something. No computers, no phones. So it sounds like I just may be having a short week next week!

And I think my clothes smell like cat pee today, but I can't figure out which article of clothing is the offender.

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