Monday, August 6, 2007


Today is August 6th. My due date is September 6th. My goal is to post here at least once/day until she's born since I've been so terrible in keeping up with this blog throughout the pregnancy!

I saw a chiropractor for the first time on Saturday. I was always a little hesitant about the whole chiropractic thing. But now that my back and hips are getting all out of whack, I figure it's worth a shot. Plus, she specializes in prenatal care and she went to my high school. So far, I'm pleased!

We now have a 98% completed bamboo floor in the baby's room. Nic totally rocked the flooring. He had such great practice doing our bedroom that it was no problem for him to whip through the baby's room. Cheri and TJ dropped off the crib yesterday and Mo and Nona helped Nic set up the crib while they were there. (Note to all mentioned parties: Thank you so much! The crib is great! And Mo, we promise we'll stop putting you to work at our house.) We washed all the clothes and blankets we've received as presents yesterday in Target brand baby detergent. The room just smells like baby too. And so do I. I've started using one of the bottles of Johnson's Baby Lotion we received as a present. I read somewhere that this is one of the ways to get your pets adjusted to the baby--through the smell. I've also seen a special CD on the internet of a baby crying to play for your pets. Seeings that that sounds pretty annoying, I'm just using the smells-method. So now we have a nursery and a place to put baby stuff.

That's all I got for today. It's going to be a week of high humidity and muggy heat. Expect a litany of crabby posts.


Anonymous said...

Holy crudo! I cant believe how fast it has gone by, though now it starts moving slow! I meant to comment the other day, cause i am wondering if you were serious about the castor oil, as I am pretty sure it was a joke, but for the record I regret taking that cocktail and I do not recommend it. though I am sure there is a time and place for it. but fuck that sucked. Anyways let me know if there is anything at all you need, You are in my family's thoughts, Scout is SOOOOO excited! Love ya!

Smashalina Jolie said...

i think i'm gonna use the castor oil as a last ditch if i'm still pregnant on 9/6 or after, it's castor oil screwdriver time. i think the first thing i'm going to start with is evening primrose oil, but i'm not going to start that until later in the month.

Anonymous said...

I started using evening primrose oil I think around 36 weeks. Taking it oraly and when Cory was so inclined with a little loving action. Seemed to do the trick since I was 3 cm at 37 weeks and popped at 39. Lemme know if you need anything!

Smashalina Jolie said...

thanks jill! i'm glad to know that evening primrose oil worked for you. even though i'm 37 weeks beginning tomorrow (EEK!), i think i'm going to wait another week before i start taking it. we have all the major projects taken care of around the house and after next week, i really have nothing going on at work until it happens.