So here they are. Your first glimpse at the little thing. It's small and it has a face and it waves it's hands in the air. Likely, as if it just didn't care.
It's weird that there is this little thing there in it's own world and I can't feel it.
I will also tell you that the nurse had a helluva time trying to get little one in a position to be able to get a measurement of it's neck skin thickness. No matter how much she tried to jostle it, it wouldn't budge. My first impression of this thing: stubborn. Very stubborn. That made me very happy.
I guess I don't have too much more to tell you all today. I've started making big announcements via email and Myspace. I've still not told everyone at work yet. I don't think I'm going to do a big announcement here. Just let people find out as I get fat, or something. I don't think I could stand a big office full of people getting all screechy and making dumb noises at me.
Well, enjoy the rest of your day! I'm itchy to get outside to enjoy the near 50 degree temps before yoga.
Beth! I love the pictures of the little one.
I know I have not congratulated you in person yet! Beth and Nic-Congratulations! Parenthood happens to the best of us!
Love-Aunt Mary
Be thinking of when you would like a shower, not the wet kind either.
Chinese New Year tidbit from "A Word A Day" Newsletter: Not only is it the year of the pig - but a special "year of the golden pig" which only comes once every 600 years. Many people are trying to conceive children in Korea this year (condom sales are down 16 percent) in order to have a child born in this lucky year.
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