I would like to NOT gain 60 pounds during the course of my pregnancy, but I would indeed like to eat this whole box of Girl Scout Caramel DeLites sitting on my desk.
Please Advise.
I do not think there is a problem with that, though I wouldnt do it every day. I did not care how much wieght I gained with Scout, and I ate tons! Mostly really good food, but lots of ice cream and baked goods too. So my advice is to do it when you really want to, but i do highly recommend chocolate every day, I will try to dig up the study that showed moms were healthier and less stressed and had calmer babies when they did so, and Scout was an awesome baby. But it seems like the chocolate calmness wears off at 3!
The title of this blog is intended to be a bit tongue and cheek. A nod to my own generation, who, whenever experiences something of note will often say "Dude, I'm so totally blogging this." Okay. We may not say that out loud. But we do picture what we're going to say when we write about said event on LiveJournal, MySpace, Facebook, etc.
Since the next year of my life is going to change more than it ever has, I thought I'd jot down any rambling thoughts and major milestones for friends and family to read. As I morph from single lady to married mom (insert trite butterfly/cocoon metaphors at will), I invite you to enjoy my not always coherent but apparently mostly entertaining thoughts.
I do not think there is a problem with that, though I wouldnt do it every day. I did not care how much wieght I gained with Scout, and I ate tons! Mostly really good food, but lots of ice cream and baked goods too. So my advice is to do it when you really want to, but i do highly recommend chocolate every day, I will try to dig up the study that showed moms were healthier and less stressed and had calmer babies when they did so, and Scout was an awesome baby. But it seems like the chocolate calmness wears off at 3!
I think that some things are best left to moderation... drinking... math...
Chocolate is not one of those things... I know you like chocolate... and toffee... and I love you to love those things...
Just save me a couple cookies.
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