Tuesday, March 27, 2007

stress and sickness

Nic is having a really rough pregnancy. He's weathered through a severe bladder infection, recovered from a septioplasty and a tonsillectomy, and now is green in the face from food poisoning. Good thing I've been feeling relatively ok lately...other than the insomnia and the sheer feeling of being overwhelmed by planning for all the physical and financial stress I'm going through. And the logistics. Don't forget about the logistics. Logistics of what, you ask? Of everything.

One thing that is coming together well due to my planning and obsession is house renovations. Bruce started on my second floor attic space/bedroom renovations. He's affordable, dependable, super nice, and reminds me of Pat McCurdy in some way that I can't put my finger on. He was just there for a few hours yesterday and the space is already starting to take shape. When it is full of furniture, it won't be a very big space. But it will be bigger than what we have now. And we'll have a closet. And a bathroom. With a little make up table for me. This project will be one huge stress off my head. There is a whole mini project within that one that involves getting a new bed and mattress and perhaps new bedroom furniture for us. Next is the planning and the financing of the baby's room, but that won't be too bad. I have to figure out what's happening to the floors in the baby's room, but the rest should be cheap and easy. Next step after that: refinance house. All of this while working 40 hours a week, trying to keep up with basic chores and house maintenance, keeping up with even minimal derby time commitments, finding time to exercise. Sigh. So those are the logistics and financial thoughts that keep me up at night.

Bah. This blogging is supposed to be kind of therapeutic for me, and now I feel worse than when I started. I need to close with something that makes me happy:

I'm excited about choosing paint colors for our new bedroom. I love doing that. Also, I really enjoy buying new fun bathroom items (rugs, toothbrush holder, soap dish). And I get excited about choosing light fixtures. I've never had to or gotten to choose light fixtures before. So that's pretty fun.

Okay. Feeling a little better.

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