Tuesday, March 6, 2007

A little bit of this, a little bit of that

It's been awhile since I've posted. I'm really trying to keep this updated since a number of people have told me that they enjoy reading this. Thank you! I enjoy writing this! This post will be all over the place, since that's where my thoughts are now. Enjoy.

Topic one: WEATHER
Yesterday was sunny and mild for early March in Wisconsin. I'm always amazed how different I feel when the clouds in my brain start to clear. I know that the weather affects me and I don't realize how bad I am feeling until that one nice day hits and I feel normal again. My winter blahs build up slowly over a long stretch of time, and I don't realize that I don't feel like myself anymore until the sun is shining down and I can be outside without a hat and mittens. Yesterday I was energetic, focused at work, laughing at people's jokes, not snapping at people as much....I felt like myself. Nic definitely noticed too. He said that he fell in love with the person I was yesterday, but that he loves the winter me unconditionally. Good answer. Because short of us moving down south, he's got the rest of our lives of January through March to live with and unconditionally love tired, lethargic, and slightly depressed Winter Beth. Bah. Anyway, the weather is cold again today and it's currently grey and snowy outside, but I think my high from yesterday was effective enough to get me through the next few days. Besides, I saw that it's going to be near 50 degrees as a high next Monday! Oh boy oh boy!

Topic two: Other people are coming out of the closet, too:
I know know 3 people who are pregnant too. I am cautious to name names, as I'm not sure if one of them has told people and I know for a fact one of them has not told people yet. 2 of the three are first time mommies, too. My friends with kids have all been really helpful so far (I'm looking at you, Jen, Maren, and Wendy), but it's even more exciting to be going through this with someone who is experiencing it at the same time. Y'all will hear more about this as time goes on.

Topic three: Babble.com
I just really like this website. The Strollerderby Blog, though not an account of pregnant ladies on skates (which was kind of disappointing), is a great feature updated a bunch daily on various issues and news items related to parenting and pregnancy. Which is great for those of us who are internet-addicted. Also, the Baby Daddy blog is one of my favorites. I don't know how interesting this site would have been to me pre-pregnancy, but I highly recommend it now.

Topic four: Nic's Surgery
Nic is going in for surgery this Friday for his deviated septum and a tonsillectomy. He has a real mild sleep apnea, and his doctors are pretty confidant that these procedures will give him healthier and more restful sleep. He's thrilled to be able to sleep on his back and the prospect of being able to breathe through both nostrils. I'm thrilled to not hear his snoring, to know he'll get better sleep, and to not have to listen to him gasp for air in the night. Because that is scary. Anyway, I'm taking the day off of work to take him in and pick him up afterwards. While he's in surgery I plan on getting my hair did, and maybe grab some herbal tea and a muffin somewhere. Because I'm really into tea and muffins of late. I'll keep you posted as this develops more. In the mean time, send Nic good thoughts and bring him some soup or ice cream next week if you know where his mom's house is on the east side.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do love reading your blog, and I agree having friends that are actually going thru pregnecy with you is the best, which is why i am tryin gto get bill to knock me up, that and I want to be done having kids by the time I am thirty and so would need to be preggers in the next five months...some how i doubt it.

So I get off of work early on Fri and if you are looking for a buddy for your cup of tea, let me know.
We could go to the garden room in shorewood and pretend it is spring already

Scout wants to say " babys are born in the bellys and um and babys are coming out of the ginas if they are boys or girls and that is my last thing"

love ya